Wednesday, 23 December 2015


Decisions, Decisions, Decisions.

      There are times when trying to live the Christian life means tough choices. Those are moments when it becomes crystal clear that we can no longer say we are followers of Jesus and continue on the path we are on.  We weigh the consequences of our decision: the positives and negatives, the emotional, financial and social price to be paid. We can do that for a long time, afraid to decide, hoping that we won’t have to choose.  While we hesitate, we can get caught in limbo while we go back and forth between the options.  In one sense, we get stuck and, even though life happens to us, we are not the protagonists; we only begin experiencing the consequences of our indecision.  Not deciding brings consequences too.  We might hesitate because our choice may cause someone else either hurt or disappointment- after all, we don’t want to be the cause of someone else’s pain. Or, we might delay choosing because we don't know where the path might take us, so we balk at the thought of leaving the safe and comfortable to strike out towards the unknown.  
     When a person leaves prison, he or she is overwhelmed by the choices that can come thick and fast.  Where to live? Who to hang out with? How to live?  In aftercare, our role is to help clarify the different options before the person, and educate as to which might be the way of Jesus.  We can only encourage people to choose His way. We might like to make the choices for them, but that would be wrong and in the end, pointless.  So we watch them choose and try to love them as they do so. 
     As I write this, I can think of at least two folks I know who are at a fork in their road. If they don’t know it yet, they will do so soon.  I hope that they choose well. I pray they choose to follow Jesus and His way, even though it means they will be letting some people down and even though it might take them on a rocky road for a time.  Their needs are being incompletely met at this time- only He can offer abundant life.

Joshua 24:15
….choose this day whom you will serve…

Matthew 16:24

Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Those who want to come with me must say no to the things they want, pick up their crosses, and follow me.