The Sheep's Song
Having been challenged at a recent conference to meditate each day on Psalm 23, I have come to appreciate just how beautiful a piece of writing it is. It brings great comfort to my spirit, yet doesn’t make any false promises or leave me with any false illusions that life will be comfortable. Yes, needs are met, all of them, but there is that shadowy valley, there are those enemies, there is that evil.
I need the Shepherd to lead and to provide. I need his correcting staff. I long for the peace that he brings. Enemies are not to be feared, in fact they become someone who I can sit down and share a meal with. I’m reminded of God’s care as I read the Psalm. I’m inspired and challenged. In the place of ministry where God has placed me at this time; a world of prisons, addictions, violence, ruptured relationships and loneliness, poor choices and recycled loss and defeat, the words of this poem remind me that I have a Shepherd who is for me: reliable, strong and vigilant. I asked him to be my shepherd a long time ago and have enjoyed his care over the years. A decision I have never regretted. I long to see some of the men and women I serve in my role in Aftercare come to know and trust the same Shepherd I follow and to listen to His voice speaking to them over the noise of their problems and the clamour of this world.